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Become a member

Joining online is fast and easy

Two people standing together

Good news! Everything you need to know to become a Numerica member is right here. If approved, you can begin using your account right away.

There's no membership fee, and you can join online right now.

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North Idaho and Eastern Washington

Am I eligible to join?

If any of these apply to you, then yes!

  1. I live, work, or worship in Washington state.
  2. I live, work, or worship in North Idaho.
  3. I’m related to or live with someone who is eligible.

Join Now

What do I need?

3 things to have ready

  1. Government-issued ID for anyone on account
  2. Basic info about anyone on account
  3. Initial deposit to fund account

Join Now

Happy person

Why join Numerica?

3 things you’ll love

  1. We’re owned by our members, so serving you and your community is our top priority.
  2. Bank the way you want to with smart, modern tools that are easy to use.
  3. You’re building brighter futures through Numerica CARES for Kids.

Member Benefits

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We can help!

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