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Meet Cherie,
the Branch Manager

Dark haired woman in white blouse.



From the nitty-gritty fine print of contracts to spotting and developing the potential in people, Cherie is a detail-oriented dynamo. Empathetic and forward thinking, Cherie leads by example and serves others by:

  • Fostering open and honest communication about money
  • Going above and beyond, seeking solutions to help each member live well
  • Connecting small businesses with loan information and resources

A Numerica team member since 2013, Cherie worked as an underwriter before moving to the Hayden branch. With this experience, she helps members navigate the ins and outs of loans and rebuilding credit. She earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration, management from Western Governors University.

Active in the community, Cherie volunteers her time and financial expertise with the Northwest Infant Survival and SIDS Alliance. She is also a child passenger safety technician for Safe Start. Married with two young sons, you’ll likely find the family camping and fishing — anything that takes them outdoors.

Today's Rates

September 13, 2024